Monday, 16 March 2009

MOdal verbs

Modal verbs explained through a movie
Obligation and permission
'I must phone my mother before it's too late'
Possibility or certainty
'You must be very clever'


Modal Exercise 1 Can , Could , Have to , Must , Might and Should
Modal Exercise 2 Have to and Must
Modal Exercise 3 Might , Must and Should . Afterwards, you can repeat the exercise using Could , Have to and Ought to
Modal Exercise 4 Couldn't and Might not
Modal Exercise 5 Have got to , Had Better , May and Shall
Modal Exercise 6 Could , Might , Should and Would
Modal Exercise 7 Modal Verbs Forms
Modal Final Test Cumulative Modal Test
Modal Verb Substitute Example
must to have to I must swim. = I have to swim.
must not not to be allowed to I must not swim. = I am not allowed to swim.
can to be able to I can swim. = I am able to swim.
may to be allowed to I may swim. = I am allowed to swim.
need to have to I need to swim. = I have to swim.
need not not to have to I need not swim. = I don't have to swim.
shall / should/ ought to to be supposed to / to be expected to / to be to I shall / should / ought to swim. = I am supposed to swim. / I am expected to swim. / I am to swim.

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